Flight Guide for Success: Tips and Tactics for the Aspiring Airline Pilot
3rd Edition
Do you want
to reach the top as a professional pilot? If so, you probably know that
pursuing this career can be a painfully complex business. Making sense
of the facts is not easy, and there are many forks in the road to confuse
or even derail you. Worse yet, there are pitfalls beneath the surface
to be avoided.
you have ever wished for a trusted advisor to answer your really tough
pilot-career questions without sugar coating the answers, Captain Karen
Kahn is the one to turn to. She overcame a mountain of obstacles to command
the cockpit of a jetliner. It is a tough road for anyone, but Karen will
be the first to tell you that it's worth the effort to get there. She
not only knows the ropes but also is masterful at sharing lessons learned
in achieving that professional pilot's seat which so many of us aspire
In "Flight Guide for Success", Captain Kahn answers all your questions about
the process of becoming a professional pilot; most importantly, she offers
solid advice on topics other books dare not raise.
What are the best routes to a pro-pilot job?
Which qualifications count the most with employers?
How old is too old to become a professional pilot?
Are the days of cockpit discrimination over?
How should pilots handle blemishes on their backgrounds?
What's the life of a professional pilot like?
What are the joys? And what are the pitfalls?
A new compilation of career columns written by Captain Karen M. Kahn,
a 30+ year major airline veteran,
"Flight Guide for Success"
can help any pilot, from beginner to advanced, zero time to recent airline
pilot new-hire.
This book
contains over 70 career advice columns, published in various aviation
magazines (including Air Inc.'s Airline Pilot Careers, Flying
Careers Magazine, International Women Pilots) ranging from
Getting Started, to Building Flight Time, Networking, Women's Issues, Resumes, Job Applications,
Interviewing and much more.
"Flight Guide for Success"
covers a wide range of topics and, as one new
commercial helicopter pilot put it, the book contains "tips useful
not only for those looking for airline [pilot jobs] but translatable to
other fields as well."
For a look
at what AOPA's Flight Training magazine said about the new 3rd
edition of "Flight Guide for Success"
click here. |
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using your VISA or MasterCard. To personalize your copy,
e-mail Captain Kahn with your special inscription request. |