Captain Karen M. Kahn has been actively involved in aviation for
more than 35 years. She holds all ratings through ATP and was the
first woman to be type-rated on the Lockheed JetStar. Her other
ratings include flight engineer, seaplane, glider, helicopter,
helicopter instrument, and master certificated (MCPI) flight
instructor for both instruments and multiengine.
Prior to starting her airline career in 1977, she instructed at
Sierra Academy of Aeronautics (Oakland, CA) and later ran her own
accelerated weekend ground school. At the present time, she's a
Boeing 757/767 captain for a major US air carrier and has flown the
Boeing 727, DC-10 and
MD-80 on both domestic and international routes.
She's a frequent speaker at pilot seminars as well as career and
communication workshops. She
has also written for various aviation publications, including AIR
Inc.'s Air Line Pilot Careers magazine, AOPA's Flight Training
magazine, Flying Careers magazine, Woman Pilot, and International
Women Pilots/99s News magazines. Karen specializes in helping pilots
improve their flying and communication skills. She founded Aviation
Career Counseling in 1989 to help pilots save time and money in
their quest for a professional pilot's career. ACC offers
personalized counseling for pilots of all experience levels, from
people with zero flying time to retiring airline captains who want
to continue flying professionally after their mandated retirement
Captain Kahn provides informative, insightful programs that show you
how to fulfill your career dreams by using your own accomplishments
to creatively market your unique skills and talents. You can contact
her directly at for more details on available
programs, including ACC's pilot career counseling and interview
preparation services. |